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Summer Adventure: Day 2

This morning we began our day in Maryland Heights, Missouri and finished in Hays, Kansas.

Whenever we are traveling, I always enjoy the opportunities to see sights along the way that might be something new. This desire isn’t always well received by my family, who seem to get tired of mom dragging them all over when they would much rather be inside a hotel room on some electronic device.

Seriously? Where is the fun in that?

So, after a tasty dinner at a local Mexican restaurant I dragged my family (not quite kicking and screaming, but close) through the town of Hays in an attempt to find some historical district for which I had seen a sign. Along the way we discovered James Butler Hickok (aka “Wild Bill” Hickok) had served as the acting sheriff of “Hays City” back in 1869. Then we checked out the bison herd, which began in 1952 with a bull named “Wild Bill” and a cow named “Calamity Jane.” The herd lives on approximately 9.5 acres of land that has been maintained by the Parks Department since 1977. My city boys did not appreciate the fragrance of the bison herd!

That was the extent of our excitement. Lord willing, tomorrow we will reach Palmer Lake, Colorado and start our COMPASS training. Thanks for your prayers!


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