September 2022

The Southwest Indian Ministry’s September Elementary Camp was a success thanks to your prayers and support! Our theme for the camp was, “Heaven”. The four lessons and the scriptures they referenced were:
Heaven on Earth – Matthew 5:43-48, love your enemies,
Saving for Heaven – Matthew 6:19-24, store up treasures in heaven,
The Best Thing About Heaven – 1 Corinthians 15:12-20, we will be raised from the dead as Christ was raised, and
Imagining Heaven – Revelation 21:1-5, 10-11, and 18-23; the New Heaven and New Ear
We thought we would share with you a video of camp. You can see it by clicking the button below. Enjoy!
Thanks again for your prayers and support!
Doug and Becky
The cost of almost everything has gone up, including ministry costs. We realize that supporting a ministry often comes from discretionary funds, and those funds are shrinking. We thank you for choosing to continue investing in the eternal lives of Native American children, youth, and families! God bless!