September 2021 Update from the Darfus Family
Camp Ministry:
On September 10, we will host the first weekend camp off campus.
Would you please pray for:
· Safe travel to and from camp. It’s a lot of responsibility transporting these precious children.
· The campers’ hearts would be open to what the Lord may be saying.
· Safety at camp.
· An enjoyable time for all.
Operation Christmas Child:

During the last two days of August, we met in person with two representatives from Samaritan’s Purse – Operation Christmas Child (OCC). Many people who have heard of OCC believe it is just a ministry of giving a shoebox full of presents to children around the world. Although it is true that gift boxes are given, the real ministry focus is about telling the children the Gospel story and having them attend 13 discipleship training classes afterward.
We are excited to partner with this ministry to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to Native American children in southern Arizona. In November we will receive more intense training and be responsible for training Native adults how to teach these discipleship classes in their communities. We will also be responsible for receiving specific prayer requests from the Native teachers and asking others to join us to pray for them. Would you like to be a prayer warrior for God’s mission to disciple the children in southern Arizona? If so, let us know through an email.
Our first prayer request for this project is to pray that we can reach churches on the reservation who would be passionate about reaching 50 children in their surrounding community with the message of Jesus. These church leaders would need to come to a vision meeting and training session and be committed to discipling children for 13+ weeks.
Noah is off at college at Grand Canyon University. He joined the pep band and quickly learned it is a marching pep band. He is having lots of fun, but admits it is also a lot of work. Classes begin September 7th.
Elijah got a part in the high school play, Clue. He is playing the part of Mr. Body, which, unfortunately, dies in one of the earlier acts.
Josiah was elected treasurer of the student council as a 7th grader. He spent a lot of time writing a speech that he had to give in front of 300 classmates before the election and was relieved when it was over.
If you would like to join God's ministry to make an eternal impact in the Southwest and make a financial donation, please click the button below.
