September 2020 Update

Happy September!
For anyone who has prayed for, thought of, supported, texted, or called us this past month, thank you! We are so thankful for each one of you.
We hope everyone is doing well. Overall, our family is good. The boys continue their “online schooling” with only a small amount of grumbling. The district hopes to open the schools for all students September 28th.

Have you had a personal reminder of how good God is recently? We were reminded of His love and faithfulness recently when one of our boys was going through an especially difficult time. Our hearts were broken at his pain, and we had been praying and crying out to God on his behalf. Later that same day, Doug checked his email and found that several hours earlier, before we even knew what was going on, a pastor we met while raising support had emailed, asking how our son was doing. He shared that God had placed him on his mind. Doug and I were brought to tears as we were reminded that God hears our prayers and often works through His people to answer our prayers. It was a comforting reminder of God’s goodness.

Thank you again for your support! We are grateful! If there are any things you would like us to pray for, please let us know!
You can email us at or

Please pray for the Native American youth; the high rates of COVID and death (along with the isolation) in their community has taken a toll on many.
If God places it on your heart, would you also consider investing into their lives? Monthly financial support of any amount would be helpful and appreciated to continue and grow God’s ministry here in the Southwest.