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June 2020 Update

Eat the fruit.  It won’t kill you.  It will open your eyes.


And just like that, sin entered the world and all of our problems began.

There is nothing new under the sun.  The events of 2020 in America and the world are not new.  Many don't understand the problem is sin.  Many don’t understand the solution is Jesus Christ.

To share the solution is why we have been called to Arizona.

The past month was similar to the previous month.  We have been building relationships.  Through the use of technology, we have been able to contact campers and their families to check up on them and pray for their needs.  Zoom has allowed us to host bi-monthly get-togethers with campers and to join weekly Bible studies with Native adults.  Facebook Live has allowed us to present a message each Sunday morning to the children of Siloam Indian Baptist Church on the Gila River Nation.  It has all been a blessing!

Our next endeavor is to reach out to the churches where some of our campers attend.  We will be offering our assistance to the children’s ministries.  From sharing resources for Bible lessons, VBS ideas, crafts, games, etc. to physically attending the church to serve in any way we can once restrictions are lifted.  Because the camps held at Southwest Indian Ministries Center had to be canceled this summer, we are praying these new efforts will allow us to stay in contact with the campers.

Nothing new under the sun.  Sin is still the problem.  Jesus is still the solution.

Please pray for the Native American youth and their families. 

Please pray that we continue to have opportunities to share the solution.


Native American pastors are seeking donations to help with the effects of Covid-19 in their communities. Due to heightened travel restrictions, many are in need of food, hygiene items, and personal care products. We are partnering with pastors to provide these items for their communities. Join us by donating online.


Monthly financial support of any amount would be helpful and appreciated to continue and grow God’s ministry here in the Southwest.


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