Summer of Sundays
Hard to believe summer is wrapping up. Seems like it breezed right past us. While many will remember their summers because of trips to the beach and Disney World, our summer of 2018 will be remembered as the “Summer of Sundays.” Being on Homeland Ministry Assignment, we have visited churches all over southern and central Ohio to share how God has called us to the mission field. Last week we spoke in Pleasantville, the week before we were in Johnstown, the week before that we were in Cambridge … and the list goes on. No time to hit the snooze button on many of these Sundays, as we typically drive much longer than our 20 minutes to Faith Memorial. Doug gives us all a heads-up the night before: “Be ready to leave by 8:45 a.m.!” Although our boys have heard us share our story so much they have it memorized, we are enjoying meeting new people, seeing new sights, being blessed, and hopefully, being a blessing to others.