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What do you pray for?

People pray to God.

God answers prayers.

He does not need help, but He often uses people to answer prayers.

People have prayed for the American Indian community.

God has asked our family to work with the American Indian community.

There is a prayer we pray daily at 10:02 a.m. based on Luke 10:2…

Luke 10:2

These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.

Have you ever prayed to ask what you could do for God?

Does God want to use you to help answer our prayer?

In order for us to go to the American Indian Field and do what God has asked of us, we first have to raise support. We would like to give you the opportunity to work with us by supporting us through prayer and finances. Pray and take the time to listen. If God speaks to your heart He is probably wanting to use you to answer prayers. Say, "yes," to Him!


If you would like to schedule a time for us to meet with you, your church, or a small group of people, … please contact us. We are currently scheduling for the next few months. We would love to share what God is doing in our lives to prepare us for the journey to serve Him and the Native people in the Southwest.


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