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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

“Wait,” you say, “Thanksgiving was so last week.”

No. Every day is a day to give thanks!

Among the many things of which our family is thankful are all of the people who have given us a word of encouragement; have prayed for our family; or have given some of their financial resources to allow us to help others. You have used your blessings to bless us and we give thanks to God. We now look to continue what you have done for us, and bless others so they too can give thanks to God. You see, it is always a time of thanksgiving!

Would you please keep praying for us? This week, we will be meeting with World Gospel Mission to pursue how else we might be used to spread the gospel. Pray that the path we are meant to take will be clear to both of us and we might have His peace in any decision that needs to be made. We are both excited and nervous about the possibilities before us.

Again, we thank you and appreciate you more than you know. As our pastor always closes his e-mails and letters, “grace and peace!”

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