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We are going back!

We are going back!

While Becky, the boys, and I were at the Southwest Indian Ministries Center we felt peace. Our journey was met with one blessing after another. People ask us what we did to understand our work. Well… we were a support team. We built some great relationships with both Natives and other Missionaries… we cleaned a lot of facilities… we taught Native children about His word… and we helped lead some to Jesus Christ as their Savior.

As with many cultures, the Native people trust you more when you can show you value and love them. Going to a camp for a week to help is great, but to return to see how they are doing is greater. Familiar faces from a year ago gave me some credibility because I returned to be with them again. My family fell in love with this great group of people (both adults and children) and we want to return to show it.

God has placed on my heart the need to return to Arizona. We took our first step obeying by going last summer for 38 days. We are taking our second by going for 49. We continue to pray that God gives us the courage to know what He wants and be willing to go permanently if it is His will.

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