Day 26:
Last night I was struggling with sleep as I wrestled with the question, “What purpose do You have for me being here?” So I prayed for God to give me peace and open my heart to hear His word and do His will. Then I fell asleep.
This morning, I opened my devotional to find the following:
Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.
“A man who commits to Jesus Christ lives a countercultural lifestyle. Yet if you make a radical allegiance to Christ, people will think you have gone mad.
The biblical word for going against the flow is holy. Paul uses it here. Holy means “distinct, separate, not the same, out of the ordinary, unusual.” God is a holy God, and he expects his followers to be holy. A man who is holy is not odd, but different. He takes Jesus Christ and his word seriously. He is committed. He goes against the flow.
…He is calling you to do something countercultural — something that causes people to take notice, not of you, but of God. How will you respond”
- NIV, Once-A-Day Devotional for Men by Zondervan
Today we went to the Heard Museum in Phoenix. The two exhibits we primarily looked at were the one on the history of the US Government’s boarding schools for Native Americans and the other was about each of the Native tribes. Lots of interesting information and beautiful artwork. We also watched an Apache Hoop Dancer.
Camp started this evening and it seems we have a great group of campers and staff. I’m excited to see what this week brings.
Friday we leave for a short trip to the Grand Canyon and then head home. I have to admit I feel at home here and I will miss it. Going back to Ohio doesn’t sound appealing except for sleeping in my own bed. I don’t look forward to going back to the normal routine of summer and preparing for school.
- Doug